What to Expect When You’re Expecting: A Maternity Photoshoot

A Few Reasons Why New Mom’s Should Book Their Maternity Shoot
Pregnancy is a wonderful thing, but it often doesn’t feel that way. From late night snacking, swollen ankles, wild mood swings, and feeling like an overinflated balloon, many women question taking maternity photos at all. If you don’t feel your best, why bother memorializing those moments when you’re not even comfortable in your own skin?
Even if you don’t believe it yourself at times, your pregnancy is beautiful. It may have its ups and downs, but you’ll never forget the calm before the storm once the baby arrives. You’ll want something special to document those times of anxious excitement, and what better way than to capture the incredible journey your body is undertaking with style.
Here are five reasons why every mother should consider booking a maternity shoot.
Your Self-Confidence Will Soar
Don’t hide your belly, flaunt it! Your ever-growing baby bump might seem like the perfect excuse as to not wanting your picture taken, but that’s exactly why you should. You’ll be astounded by how beautiful you look.
It’s A Wonderful Way to Feel Connected With Your Body
Remember: you’re growing a tiny human inside of you. That’s cause for celebration! And maybe some slight panic. A maternity shoot can help you reflect on this truly awe-inspiring life event.
You Can Show Off as Much or as Little as You Want
You’re the one in control here. Your trusted photographer is simply there to capture your beauty, no matter how much (or how little) you want to reveal. With regards to outfits – keep it simple! Clothes that accentuate your curves, hug your hips, and are form fitting are recommended. Comfort is key.
It’s a Great Way to Connect With Your Partner
Nothing is more intimate than motherhood, but remember it takes two to tango. These photos aren’t only a seductive treat for your partner, but also a loving reminder of the next step in life the two of you are taking.
It Creates Something Wonderful to Look Back On
Time flies by faster than we’d like to admit and your little bundle of joy will walking and talking before you know it. You’ll miss the simpler days of caressing your baby bump in the quiet of the night, excitedly waiting for the future to arrive. A sense of quiet you won’t have again for a long
time. It’s important to have something to look back on fondly – something you can share with them as they grow up. A nice reminder of what life was like before the baby arrives.